
金圈奖简介:安德烈•威金斯, 2021年度物业管理专业人士

安德烈•威金斯, 高级副总裁, 戴利中心MB房地产公司的总经理, 被评为2021年度物业管理专业人士.


I first got introduced to the real estate industry in 2002 when I started working for a small real estate developer on the North side of Chicago when I graduated from college.  I was working as the accountant and was responsible for the accounting of a 200-unit studio apartment complex.  在住宅单位工作2年, I was able to eventually find a commercial property accounting position with Insignia ESG located at 311 South Wacker. 2003年,Insignia被世邦魏理仕收购, I was able to find another property accounting position with the John Buck Company at 222 South Riverside.

I worked for the John Buck Company at 222 South Riverside and 200 South Wacker until 2008 when I made my move to the Richard Daley Center as Assistant General Manager.  在过去的20年里,我一直从事住宅和商业房地产的会计工作, 总经理助理,现任总经理.

在招聘建筑团队成员时,你看重什么样的品质? 一旦他们加入你的团队,你如何支持他们以确保他们处于最佳状态?
在寻找新的建筑团队成员时,我需要注意以下几点.  首先,我需要一个有进取心,希望在房地产行业有所发展的人.  这将确保他们能够保持动力, 总是希望学习和参与到物业管理的新方面.  反过来, 这有助于提高整个管理团队的效率, 互相学习,一起工作.

Another important factor to consider is the candidate’s ability to cope and deal with the many challenges a building like the Richard Daley Center may present.  戴利中心的核心是公共服务资产,每天为近2万名游客提供服务.  Many people with varying interests and needs frequent the building on a daily basis and our team members have to be flexible in their approach to dealing with people and possess effective problem solving skills.  该建筑高度以客户服务为导向.

在面试过程中,我们不会隐瞒建筑的性质.  面试的大部分时间都花在穿过大楼和外部广场上.  I want the candidates to get an active feel for the building on a personal level as we discuss their qualifications and overall career goals.

一旦新成员加入我们的团队,持续的沟通是关键.  Continuous cross training between all team members is also a focus to ensure team members develop healthy relationships and trust amongst one another.  Team members are always encouraged to get involved in project meetings and our weekly staff meetings ensure all team members are aware of the building’s activities.

作为一个在事业上不断进步的年轻专业人士, you want to make sure you acquire all the necessary certifications and licenses associated with real estate management early on.  当你成为房地产行业的全职员工, 你立刻沉浸在一个非常忙碌的世界里, 快节奏工作环境.  The last thing you want to be concerned with is a brokers’ license or other industry recognized accreditation that may be required before you can advance your career.

也, it would be a great idea to get involved with organizations such as 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 early on in your career.  博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 has many committees and platforms that provide networking opportunities that are essential to career advancement.

最后,要有好奇心.  总是问问题.  永远不要害怕让别人知道你不知道或不理解的事情.  试着从小事入手,理解大局.  有时,年轻的专业人士可能会陷入自己的日常工作中, 同时也错失了拓展物业管理整体知识的机会.  推动你的经理和主管让你参与不同的事情.  在一天结束的时候, 这不仅能帮助你成长, 但它也有助于整个管理团队的成长.

新冠肺炎给商业房地产行业的每个人都带来了巨大的挑战. Tell us about some of the obstacles you have faced during the pandemic and the preparedness and mitigation efforts you have spearheaded in response.
The COVID pandemic has presented the biggest and most difficult challenges faced during my property management career.  面临的一些挑战是大流行期间的业务连续性, ensuring the safety of building tenants and occupants and cost management for unanticipated COVID related expenses.

One of our biggest challenges during the pandemic was making sure the building continued to provide its typical services to the public, 同时确保公众和租户的健康和安全.  经常与公司办公室人员沟通, 咨询顾问, 健康专家, 政府官员, 无数的利益相关者帮助我们制定了一项计划.  该计划提供室外帐篷, 健康检查服务, 消毒液。, 给楼里所有人戴上面罩. 这一计划在周边的其他政府机构得到效仿,至今仍在实施.

We also continue to work closely with our tenants to ensure their spaces are equipped with the proper mitigations, 比如社交距离贴花和防护盾.  Tenants have also been afforded the opportunity to augment their space with use of building common areas as they promote social distancing within their workspaces.  We also assisted our tenants with the distribution of facial coverings and 消毒液。 to all the building’s 3,相当于1万全职工作者.

最后, we worked with an environmental services provider to develop a response plan for confirmed COVID-19 cases.  The plan included electrostatically applied disinfecting of all affected areas within 24 hours of notification, 无论租户空间或建筑公共区域.  This immediate response ensured tenant spaces were disinfected and turned over expeditiously so tenants could continue their business the following day.

这些额外的服务带来了意想不到的开支.  因此,我们被迫削减了许多其他服务,而这些服务是高效运行大楼所必需的.  幸运的是,我们能够在不增加运营费用的情况下资助所有与COVID相关的费用.  也, we worked closely with our client to ensure these expenses were reimbursed to the property through the government’s CARES Act.

在你的业余时间, 你协调研讨会,鼓励少数族裔企业参与大楼. What are some of the steps our buildings can take to increase the number/percentage of minority contractors at their buildings?
在建筑施工中,有许多不同的方法来促使少数群体参与.  One option that can be readily achieved is requiring your existing contractors and vendors to meet certain minority participation requirements under their existing contracts.  This provides the building with certain performance protections as your existing vendor or contractor serves as the primary performer with a minority vendor working under them, 共同达到你所要求的任何少数民族参与水平.

Another approach would be soliciting proposals from minority vendors to be contracted directly for building services.  这最好通过您的征求建议书和新合同采购流程来实现.  你可以直接向少数族裔供应商和承包商征求建议, 让那些供应商有机会直接与你签订合同, 而不是作为分包商.

但这一切都始于对声誉良好的小众公司及其能力的熟悉.  作为私营部门, 最好与戴利中心等建筑物联系以获得推荐.  或者你可以在网上冲浪 十大网赌靠谱网址平台少数族裔供应商名录 同时也要研究一下被批准的供应商名单.

当我在Insignia ESG工作时,我们当时的总经理是Sam Delisi.  He made the announcement to our accounting team that we were being acquired by CBRE and all the accounting work was being moved to Newport Beach, CA.  宣布之后, we had the opportunity to speak with Sam and I asked him how I could make a move from the accounting world to operations of building management.  他建议我从取得销售执照开始,并参加一些BOMA RPA课程.  我不得不说他是对的. I quickly found out that the license was a requirement in real estate management and the BOMA RPA courses proved invaluable when learning about how buildings operate and function.

你的个人兴趣和爱好是什么? 或者你在家做什么项目?
我的很多个人兴趣都以家庭为中心.  我有一个妻子和五个儿子,他们都非常热衷于体育运动.  我协助指导我15岁、12岁和10岁的孩子们的篮球队.  比赛期间要经常出差, 所以我们通常会在每次比赛之后安排一次家庭旅行.

在我的业余时间,我喜欢用我的双手工作.  虽然我不是最好的木匠,但我愿意尝试任何项目.  我有三个住宅出租物业,我的两个姐妹和我妈妈是租户.  在三个家之间, 新项目总是有机会的, 更别提我还要处理我的私人住宅了.